Guide to Proquest Central

Logging in to Proquest Central platform

  1. Go to
  2. Click the "Login through your library..."
  3. Click "ProQuest Account"
  4. Enter the institutional username and password.

Basic Search

1. The Basic Search box is on the page you get to as soon as you log into ProQuest.
    •Put quotation marks around a phrase so that ebrary knows to search those words as one unit rather than separately.
    •Use AND between keywords to search for books containing both terms.
    •Use OR between keywords to search for books containing either term.
    •For more information, see Using AND, OR & NOT to Combine Keywords.

2. Under the basic search box are check-boxes to limit your search to:
    •only peer reviewed (a.k.a. scholarly) articles.
    •only articles available in full-text in the databases that you are currently searching. (But you run the risk of never finding out about articles that you could have gotten from other databases.)

Video Tutorial

This tutorial demonstrates how to perform a basic search for Proquest Central.

Advanced Search

To get to Advanced Search, select Advanced Search found above the "Search box".

Enter your keywords into the Advanced Search boxes the same way you would in Basic Search:
  • Put quotation marks around a phrase so that ebrary knows to search those words as one unit rather than separately.
  • Use AND between keywords to search for books containing both terms.
  • Use OR between keywords to search for books containing either term.

1. Each of the three search boxes has a pull-down menu to the right of it.
  • All fields + text (the default) - this is the same as a keyword search in Basic Search.
  • All fields no text - searches the title, author, and abstract of the article.
  • AU - the author of the article
  • TI - the title of the article
  • PUB - the title of the journal that the article is in
  • SU - subject headings, a.k.a. controlled vocabulary.

2. Pull-down menus to the left of the search boxes allow you to join the search boxes with AND, OR or NOT.
  • You can still use AND, OR, NOT, quotation marks and parentheses inside the search boxes the same way you would in Basic Search.
  • By default, EBSCOhost puts an AND in between the search boxes. You can use the pull-down menus to to change it.
  • Boolean-savvy users: EBSCOhost treats each search box like a giant set of parentheses.

3. Checkboxes let you limit your search to:
  • Only peer reviewed (a.k.a. scholarly) articles.
  • Only articles available in full-text in the databases that you are currently searching. (But you run the risk of never finding out about articles that you could have gotten from other databases.)

4. The All Dates pull-down menu lets you limit your search to documents that were published within a certain date range.

5. If you have the name of a person or place, enter it in the Person or Location search bo.
  • You can click Look Up People or Look Up Locations to browse through a list for the person or place you want.

Video Tutorial

This tutorial demonstrates how to perform Advanced Search.

Search Results

After entering your search term/s and clicking the search button, you will see a results list – a list of articles that matched your search terms.

Here is an example of what you might see:

Video Tutorials

This tutorial demonstrates how to navigate the search results.

Display Article

Click on the title of an article to open its record and full text of the article. You can then print, save, or email the article.

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